Updates about what's happening.
The campaign team will post weekly updates about what's happening overall.
This is also the place that managers, consultants, collaborators, sponsors, contributors, and others can share information and insights about their peace programs, report on accomplishments, ask for information or advice, get feedback. Plase let us all know about your successes inspiring women to do more for peace. What messaging are you using? What feedback are you getting? And what are the RESULTS in terms of new attitudes or behaviors that support peace?

What's new with you?
If you have a new program, publication, event, or accomplishment that's informing or inspiritng women to do more for the peace in ther lives, homes, neighborhoods, countries, or world, please announce it here and provide a link to your website where others can get more information.
What can we all learn from it?
When you share something you've done or are doing,, please be sure to include some advice for the rest of us about what you'd suggest we could do based on what you've learned. And, how can people who are interested in knowing more contact you?
We're always thrilled when another organization, association or company signs up to Collaborate, Donate, or Sponsor the Campaign, or Subscribe to our mailing list.